Monday, January 3, 2011


It's a new year, and around this time we often reflect on the past and make adjustments for the present and coming future. Whether it's the superfluous resolution that we make and break in the same breath, a goal to get out of debt or perhaps to stop drinking so much coffee, we long for some sort of change. Often these proposed changes are of no consequence to us since we never follow through, but some, such as our location, can weigh psychologically. 

For those "heavier" ones we have to ask the question,
"Are we convinced that we are living in the center of God's perfect will for our lives?"

If we are and that change still lingers, then, perhaps it's a change worth acting upon because the source is most likely God. After all, we have been commissioned to go into all nations. 

If we aren't, we will never live fully where we are at. We will be constantly plagued with doubts and questions. The simplicity of raising a question and invoking doubt is how the sneaky serpent tripped Eve in the garden. It was this tactic that he tried and miserably failed on Jesus in the wilderness.

All in all, if we know who we are, we know the sovereignty and voice of our loving father, alleviating questions, overwhelmed with peace. He has placed us where He pleases, and He can move us all the same.
We are sons, and that effects everything.

Speak soon